Interpreting the Federal Reserve’s Data

The New York Fed has long collected market information from its primary dealer trading counterparts and released these data in aggregated form to the public. Until recently, such data have only been available for broad categories of securities (for example, Treasury bills as a group) and not for specific securities. Starting with data covering the week ending April 3, 2013, the Fed now also releases aggregated primary dealer data on specific Treasury issues. In particular, the data cover dealer activity in the most recently issued Treasury notes and bonds, including both nominal securities as well as Treasury inflation-protected securities; specific issue data are not collected for bills. As with the broad security category data, the released data are aggregated across dealers and reported weekly as of the week ending Wednesday.  Michael Fleming of the New York Fed suggests what this might mean.  New Ways of Looking at Federal Reserve Data

Federal Reserve

China Grapples with Demographic Problems

Two reports in Chinese media highlight different aspects of China’s unfolding demographic crunch. The Ministry of Education reported Aug. 21 that more than 13,600 primary schools closed nationwide in 2012. The ministry looked to China’s dramatically shifting demographic profile to explain the widespread closures, noting that between 2011 and 2012 the number of elementary-aged students fell from nearly 200 million to 145 million. It also confirmed that between 2002 and 2012, the number of students enrolled in primary schools dropped by nearly 20 percent. The ministry’s report comes one day after an article in People’s Daily, the government newspaper, warned of China’s impending social security crisis as the number of elderly is expected to rise from 194million in 2012 to 300 million by 2025.  China’s Demographic Problem

China Aging

JP Morgan in the Pits

The SEC is looking at JP Morgan’s practice of hiring the children of important Chinese officials to pave the way to big Chinese contracts.  Shareholders like the money their company is making.  When will they rise up and say no to unethical business practices.  Ethical Standards At JP Morgan Chase Are Low and Lower

From earlier reports:

JP Morgan Faces Criminal and Civil Investigations into Mortgage-Backed Securities Sales

JP Morgan Fined Peanuts for Price Manipulation



When Fast Food Jobs Are Filled By Overqualified, Desperate Workers

James Surowiecki is one of the most prescient writers on economics today.  He reports that recent protests in the fast food industry come from workers who are overqualified and for whom there are no suitable jobs. Certainly an argument can be made that your traditional fast food and Walmart employee is in a starter job which they can leap ahead from when the opportunity arises.  Pay in Fast Food Chains


Mera, Spain’s Richest Woman, Dies at 69

“I don’t think they were thinking of making history, just that it was a nice name,” Echevarria said. “But apparently there was a bar that was called the same, Zorba, like two blocks away, and the owner of the bar came and said, ‘This is going to confuse things to have two Zorbas.’ They had already made the molds for the letters in the sign, so they just rearranged them to see what they could find. They found Zara.”

And what a good find it was. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Just like Sara, but less common, more pizazzzzz. And nothing like some British royalty to up the ante. The birth in 1981 of Zara Phillips, a granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, probably wasn’t bad for sales. Nor is Kate Middleton’s flair for weaing the fashionable yet affordable brand.  Mera of Zara Dies

Mera of Zara

Hedgefunds Betting on Porsche and Volkswagen Jump Courts

The funds, which include Elliott International LP and Perry Partners LP, are suing Porsche for 1.81 billion euros ($2.4 billion) over claims it manipulated Volkswagen shares by denying interest in a deal before it made a bid. After other investors lost two similar claims at a German tribunal last year, the funds added antitrust claims against Porsche to their suit, forcing a move to a court that specializes in cartel suits.  Court Jumping for A Good Decision

Porsche Volkswagen

For Entrepreneurs, Timing is Crucial: An African Superhighway Creates Money

For many years the road network connecting Nairobi and Thika,an industrial town about 40km north-east of the Kenyan capital was known for notorious traffic snarl ups. Businesses avoided that part of town and land prices stagnated. Despite this, one man held onto his property along the route. Gerald Taylor, managing director of Willmary Development, says his family kept the land his grandfather bought in Kenya in the 1930s because it didn’t make sense to sell.  His gut instinct proved correct.  For Entrepreneurs, Timing Is Crucial

Thika Highway- Road to Riches?