Will Switzerland Be Known for Watches, Cheese and Chocolate

Banks in Switzerland are under pressure.  Agreements make non-compliant accounts difficult.  Distinctions between tax evasion and tax fraud have been erased.  Swiss banks have to establish banks in foreign countries for deposits from that country.   Fees once charged to customers can no longer be, and how far back customers can go to retrieve unauthorized fees has not been established.   Booz Report

Switzerland of the Future

Repairing Europe’s Banks

The first step will be to try to get a measure of just how much bad debt there is through a close examination of the assets. On October 23rd the European Central Bank gave some details of how it will do this in an “asset- quality review” and what standards it will expect banks to meet. These revealed something of the fierce arguments that have taken place recently within the ECB and the compromises it has had to swallow. The ECB needs to be tough on banks to restore confidence—yet not too tough. If it reveals capital shortfalls so large that filling them would destroy the public finances of struggling countries then it may undermine confidence rather than restore it.  The Economist Reports   

Non-Performing Loans

Small Businesses Need a Website

Forty-five percent of consumers look more favorably on SMBs that have a website, so there’s plenty of incentive to jump onboard and get a website. Companies without an Internet presence may be missing out on the wide variety of marketing and small business tools offered by today’s B2B business services companies.  In the new world, this may seem obvious, but almost half of small businesses do not have their own site.


JP Morgan Admits to Manipulative Conduct in the London Whale Trades

The US CommodityFutures Trading Commission issued a release detailing the settlement with JP Morgan on the London Whale Trades.

JPMorgan, which admits the specified factual findings in the Order including that its traders acted recklessly, is directed, among other things, to pay a $100 million civil monetary penalty.  “In Dodd-Frank, Congress provided a powerful new tool enabling the CFTC for the first time to prohibit reckless manipulative conduct,” said David Meister, the CFTC’s Director of Enforcement. “As this case demonstrates, the Commission is now better armed than ever to protect the market from traders, like those here, who try to ‘defend’ their position by dumping a gargantuan, record-setting, volume of swaps virtually all at once, recklessly ignoring the obvious dangers to legitimate pricing forces.”  JP Morgan Admits Manipulative Conduct in London Whale Trades

Shame on You

Board of Directors Impact on Executive Compensation

James Surowiecki writes pungent columns on finance for the New Yorker.  This week he discusses one of the crucial topics in the inequality debate:  the ratio of the compensation of CEO salary to the median income of employees.  He argues that the SEC’s new rules for transparency are not a solution.  He looks carefully at how Boards of Directors. who are supposed to supervise corporate governance, fall into geometric increases of executive salaries. Economists at the Wharton School explain the situation in detail in an article. Board of Directors and Executive Compensation

Obscene Executive Compensation