The Balancing Act: Sales and the Customer

The trick as promoted successfully by some training firms is to make the salesperson comfortable with his pitch: personalizing the pitch and helping it sit well in her voice and her set of beliefs.  Consider also the customer.  Instead of a bank saying, ‘We lend you money,” they might say, “We help you pay when you don’t have cash on hand.”  Instead of suggesting that a customer save, they might say, “We reduce our fees so you can save.”  Matching a Bank’s Needs with the Customer’s

Customer Satisfaction

Breaking Up Drug Cartels: Intelligence v Insider Info

The dramatic arrest of the head of the Mexican drug cartel, Sinaloa, which counts for 30% of drugs illegally entering the US can give false hope.  “El Chapo’ Guzman was the country’s leading drug dealer, but for years both the DEA in the US and the Mexican government gave him a pass in return for information.  What are the consequences of these deals in terms of the long term control of drug cartels?  Can control be achieved with information gleaned from sources other than the drug cartels themselves?  It is difficult to say.  But perhaps ending the privileged relationship with Guzman’s organization is a good first step.  Unfortunately a cell phone call did Guzman in.  Let’s hope this does not give the NSA a boost.

by Fernando Llera

by Fernando Llera

Nuns Force Chase to Produce Report on Scandals

The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth demanded that JPMorgan produce a report for its shareholders on the scandals it has been involved in.

JPMorgan was finally able to satisfy the nuns when they agreed to write such a report.  It should make thrilling reading.

JPMorgan had initially said that the nuns request, backed by several other shareholders, was materially false and misleading.  The SEC, JPMorgan and The Nuns  

Unfortunately the dual role Dimon holds will not be divided until he steps down.

 The Nuns Beat Jamie Dimon

Women Climbing Slowly to the Top

A Harvard Business Review study suggests women are getting more top jobs.  Attributes at the top also reflect some broader trends within the Fortune 100 over the past three decades, such as a decrease in heavy industry and energy companies, which have fewer women at all levels of management, and a proliferation of health care and retail companies, which have more women. The study’s most striking findings have emerged in four areas: career trajectory, education, diversity, and hierarchy within the senior ranks.  Top Jobs in Business

Getting to the Top

Robert Reich’s Economics 101

Reich reminds us that we have forgotten three important economic lessons we learned during the 30 years following World War II:

1.  Real job creators are consumers, whose rising wages generate jobs and  growth.

2.  The rich do better with a smaller share of a rapidly growing economy than with a large share of an economy that is hardly growing at all.

3.  Taxes to finance public investments –roads, bridges, public transportation and education benefit us all.

Reich always is imminently reasonable.  Why is he so hard to hear?   Robert Reich’s Economics 101

Economics 101

Christine Lagarde’s Leadership Qualities

Madame Lagarde has always quickly grasped competing interests of the relevant stakeholders and is able to provide constructive responses. While it might have been tempting to condemn multinationals for engaging in sophisticated ‘tax optimisation’ schemes, for example, it is more constructive to identify the factors which facilitate that and evaluate the options for removing them. In every case Lagarde chose the latter.  She seemed genuinely committed to the constructive route which is a welcome priority for any leader.  Christine Lagarde’s Leadership Legacy

Christine Lagarde

Hillary Clinton Gives Empowerment Advice

Speaking to a group of New York University students, Clinton made the following points:

It’s time to address the “perfectionist problem” “I have employed, by this time, a lot of very talented young men and young women. And offering a promotion or expanded responsibilities to a young woman almost always provokes a response something like ‘Oh I don’t know if I can do that’ or ‘Are you sure I could do that’ or ‘I’m not positive I could take that on…I have never heard that from a young man.”

Changing the way society perceives acceptable styles of female leadership  “We are still developing what are the acceptable styles of leadership for women … I think you have to be so intentionally thoughtful about that as you assume a role in the public arena, without it making you less authentic or undermining your confidence.”

Being a female public figure “One of the best pieces of advice that I’ve ever heard from anyone is Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1920s, who said that women in politics or in public roles should grow skin like a rhinoceros,” she said.

Taking criticism onboard, but not personally  “When you look at the challenges of being a change-maker and being willing to buck the establishment, it’s important to learn how to take criticism seriously but not personally. You have to be able to hear what others, your critics, are saying,” she said.

“Some you will dismiss because there’s an agenda that has nothing to do with you or your goals. Some will be giving you good advice. Critics can be your best friends if you listen to them, and learn from them, but don’t get dragged down by them”.

Hillary Clinton

Netanyahu Warns About Homegrown Organized Crime

Correspondent Andreas Frank comments:  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to put a halt to organized crime in Israel, following a mid-day hit the previous day near the crowded Tel Aviv boardwalk. “We have recently witnessed several severe actions by organized crime. We are determined to uproot this severe phenomenon and we give full backing to the Israel Police to use existing and new means against organized crime,” Netanyahu said Sunday morning at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. HOMEGROWN ORGANIZED CRIME A PROBLEM FOR ISRAEL

Crime in Israel