Fed Loan Warning May Hurt Riskiest Borrowers, Trade Group Says

Recommendations by top banking regulators that lenders strengthen underwriting standards for leveraged loans may decrease funding to the neediest borrowers, according to Loan Syndications and Trading Association.

The Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency sent letters to some of the biggest U.S. banks asking them to avoid arranging debt that may be classified by regulators as having some deficiency that may result in a loss, according to nine people with knowledge of the communication.
Fed Loan Warning
The head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, warns of the consequences of its own policy: increase the risks in the banking sector.
Head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen

India Financial and Business Development for Women with WOTR’s Work

WOTR initiates and implements various development activities that not only enhance their economic status but also reduces drudgery and burden. The Samyukta Mahila Samiti (SMS) gives them a space and voice at the village level. Financial support is provided for livelihood and income generation activities through VDCs under a separate revolving fund. Women’s Empowerment  Video

Climate Change Adaptation

The Climate Change Adaptation project is being implemented in 65 villages of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh covering an area of 40,734 ha (407 sq.kms), directly benefitting 63,282 people from over 11,979 households.

Greece Made Largest Fiscal Adjustment, says EU Paper Published ‘by mistake’

Greece made largest fiscal adjustment, says EU paper published ‘by mistake’.

Brussels – Greece performed the largest fiscal adjustment in the eurozone between 2011 and 2013, according to a research paper by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, which was apparently published by mistake on Monday. Greece made largest fiscal adjustment, says EU paper published by mistake

A simple comparison between the US approach and the EU approach to economic recovery is ample proof that Keynes was correct in his assessment of macroeconomic processes relative to managing economies of scale in a globally connected market. Austerity moves inflicted unnecessary harm on economies and peoples. When consumers loose faith in markets and markets contract soverigns are the only source of liquidity left. Governments must prime the pumps of the economy, albeit in a deliberate thought out way, in order to jump-start the economic engines.


Fiscal consolidations and spillovers in the euro area periphery and core


Caesars Palace Under Money Laundering Investigation

Caesars Entertainment Corp. (CZR) disclosed that federal Caesars Palace2
regulators, continuing a crackdown on money laundering at casinos, are investigating the unit operating its flagship property in Las Vegas.

US authorities have been increasingly focused on anti-money laundering policies and procedures, with a particular focus on the gaming industry.

In August, Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVS) agreed in a nonprosecution deal to pay $47 million and change its policies to resolve a federal criminal investigation over noncompliance with a law that requires casinos to report suspicious customer transactions.

After the gambling industry received a stern warning from the Justice Department, casino executives had vowed to beef up their antimoney-laundering procedures.

More Information on Frank-CS Caesars Palace

Where Are All The Women At Finance Conferences?


Most Powerful Women

Within the next decade, women are expected to control half of the private wealth in the U.S., but conferences for money managers are still dominated by men.

32% of the Wall Street Journal readers  are women. For many years, I have faithfully read the financial news and, not so faithfully, looked at the ads. But sometimes an oversized or provocative ad will catch my eye … as in the case of one recent full-page splash for a private equity conference sponsored by Dow Jones. The ad prominently displayed the photos of 10 featured speakers. All men. Huh, I thought. What happened there?

Where are all the women at finance conferences?

Where are all the women at finance conferences

Lax EU Compliance Cost Third World $100BN

Tax avoidance by companies in the European Union is costing developing countries billions of dollars in lost tax revenues each year.

The Concordeurope report finds that in developing countries, between $859 billion and $1.138 trillion of illicit financial flows escaped developing countries in 2010 alone. Illicit financial flows includes the proceeds from both illicit activities such as corruption (bribery and embezzlement of national wealth), criminal activity, and the proceeds of licit business that become illicit when transported across borders in contravention of applicable laws and regulatory frameworks (most commonly in order to evade payment of taxes).

Approximately half this money (US$ 429.5 to US$ 569 billion) represents profit-shifting by transnationals, resulting in a loss to developing countries of at least
US$ 100 billion a year in tax revenue. Recent research also shows that just under one in every two dollars of large corporate investment in developing countries is now
being routed from or through a tax haven.

Concord_EU_Report Lax  EU Compliance Cost Third World $100BN

Women and Finance Worldwide – NO to Slavery

Nearly 30 million people around the world are living as slaves, according to a new index ranking 162 countries.

The index was compiled by Australian-based rights organisation Walk Free Foundation using a definition of modern slavery that includes debt bondage, forced marriage and human trafficking.

The world has not changed, the ruthless just got smarter.

Thirty million people are slaves, half in India – survey

Summary: GlobalSlaveryIndex_2013

Report: GlobalSlaveryIndex_2013
Check your country

Modern Slavery WorldwideMore about Corruption

Asia losing $89bn a year by failing to recognise women’s economic worth

Over half of Asia’s population is women who, according to UN estimates, could be helping the region grow , but instead face barriers that keep them from reaching their full economic potential.

FOR entrepreneurs like Rusmala Dewi from Palembang on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the need to earn money for the family means they don’t even finish secondary education. Dewi left school at 14 because her parents could no longer afford the fees. With about $20 in capital, she started making hand-woven Indonesian brocades called songket, completing about one a month.
Asia losing $89bn a year by failing to recognise women’s economic worthNetworking Essential to Women Entrepreneurs in Asia

Women and Finance

Big Money: On women in economics

It’s odd to hear from a female economist.

In Australia, Melbourne University economist Judith Sloan stands alone among female economists with a large public profile.

It’s not that female economists don’t exist. But they are few. And as most economists work in obscurity on topics worthy of little media attention, the odds of them breaking through are slim.

The funnel starts small too. When I studied economics at university, my first-year classes, held jointly with the accounting, commerce and finance majors, were full of women. But by second year, when classes focused just on economics, I became a small minority. By final year, it was not uncommon for me to be the only woman in my tutorials.
Big Money: On women in economicsWomen and Finance