U.S. Should Seek Swiss Banker Extradition, Senators Say

U.S. lawmakers push authorities to seek extradition against Swiss residents who were charged with helping Americans evade taxes.

Our correspondent Andreas Frank reports: In an open letter, Sen. Carl Levin and Sen. John McCain, who lead the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, urged the Justice Department to “at least attempt” extradition proceedings against indicted Swiss bankers. The U.S. Senators seek extradition of about 30 Swiss bankers and others who are charged with enabling offshore tax evasion and haven’t appeared in federal courts. Most of them “apparently live openly in Switzerland, having avoided trial on their alleged crimes for years,” Messrs. McCain and Levin said.

A Justice Department official said extradition proceedings would be a poor use of resources. Because aiding tax evasion is not considered a crime in Switzerland, the country is unlikely to honor U.S. extradition requests, the official said. Instead, the department is focused on other ways of pursuing tax evasion cases, the official said citing the October arrest in Italy of former UBS AG banker Raoul Weil.

Weil, who was arrested Oct. 19 after checking into a hotel in Bologna, Italy, waived extradition. Raoul Weil was released on $10.5 million bail in December after appearing in a Florida courtroom to face a 2008 indictment.

Even if the extradition request is denied, Messrs. McCain and Levin wrote, “it will inform both Switzerland and its citizens that the United States is ready to make full use of available legal tools to stop facilitation of U.S. tax evasion and hold alleged wrongdoers accountable.”

The letter is the latest criticism from lawmakers, who say they’ve grown impatient with the pace of U.S. investigations against Swiss banks. At a Senate hearing last month, Mr. McCain faulted the Justice Department for being “incredibly slow” in pursuing Swiss bankers. In 2011, the Justice Department indicted seven Credit Suisse Group AG bankers on tax evasion charges, but none had yet faced trial until very recently.

There are signs that the Justice Department is preparing to get tougher with Swiss banks. Last week, in a surprise development, former Credit Suisse banker Andreas Bachmann returned to the U.S. to face a 2011 tax evasion indictment. Mr. Bachmann admitted to helping Americans hide their assets, in exchange for leniency and being allowed to return to Switzerland before sentencing.
Senate Levin & McCain Letter

US Should Seek Swiss Banker Extradition, Senators Say

Who Is The Most Prized Woman In Saudi Arabia Today?

About Equal Rights For Saudi Women

Edward Luce lunches with Prince Turki al-Faisal, the man who headed Saudi Arabia’s intelligence service for 24 years.  The Prince talks about equal rights for Saudi women.

Who is the most prized woman in Saudi Arabia today?  A woman with a job.

“When I was growing up, the head of a family considered it shameful to ask his wife or daughter to get a job. He thought he should take care of his womenfolk. Because of education, the woman with a job became something of a prize and she brings in more income to her parents, she’s looked up to by her siblings, and she’s sought after by suitors. But what I hear from people in my entourage, the women in my family, is that driving is not that important. What is important to them is equal legal rights, whether it is inheritance, divorce, childcare, things that affect women’s livelihood. They say let us concentrate on improving these things first and not expend our energy on driving, because that will come by itself.”

The Prince Talks about Saudi Women and Spying

Prince Turki al-Faisal

Sizeable Financing Gap for Women Entrepreneurs In India

AHMEDABAD: IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has released a study that finds
financial institutions meet only 27% of the financing demand of women-owned micro, small and medium enterprises in India.
The study titled Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Finance: Improving Access to Finance for Women-owned Businesses in India, undertaken by IFC in partnership with the
government of Japan, estimates that of the total financing demand of $158 billion (Indian
rupees 8.68 trillion) for women-owned businesses, formal sources are able to channel only $42 billion (Indian rupees 2.31 trillion). This leaves a significant gap of $116 billion (Indian rupees 6.42 trillion) that financial institutions can meet through products and services tailored for women entrepreneurs.
Sizeable financing gap for women entrepreneurs in India
Report:  Women-owned-business-in-India

Women owned Bussines in India

Credit Suisse Banker Guilty Plea Confirms The Use Of Nominee Tax Haven Entities

Our correspondent Andreas Frank reports:  A former Credit Suisse banker pleaded guilty to helping Americans hide money in Switzerland and agreed to cooperate with the U.S. government as it investigates banks and their employees for aiding tax evasion.

Andreas Bachmann admitted to one count of conspiring to defraud the U.S., which carries a potential penalty of five years in prison. Prosecutors agreed to recommend a reduced sentence in return for his cooperation.

In 2011, federal prosecutors accused Mr. Bachmann and seven other Credit Suisse bankers of conspiring to set up offshore accounts for wealthy Americans that hid up to $3 billion in assets, according to the indictment.
US Bachmann PressRelease
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A nominee director is someone who is renting his or her name to hide the beneficial owner by taking the position on paper of the company’s directors. The term of straw man or front man has been used to describe someone who is acting as the nominee. Legally, according to the incorporation documents, the nominee is responsible for the company or entity. In addition, if it is the case of a nominee that is also listed as the nominee shareholder, then they in effect also have the related ownership responsibilities as well.

The basic function of the nominee director is to shield working executives of other companies from the public disclosure requirements. It is designed to help a person who would rather not disclose their interest or association with a given corporate body. Anyone performing a company search on a company with a nominee director would be unable to discover in whose name the nominee director was registered.

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Woman Leader in Banking and Finance Excellence Award for 2014

Huda AbdullahHuda Abdulla

Executive Vice President and Head of the UAE Nationals Segment at First Gulf Bank (FGB), was awarded the Woman Leader in Banking and Finance Excellence Award’ during the 14th Middle East Women Leaders Excellence Awards ceremony.
Woman Leader in Banking and Finance Excellence Award for 2014

Muslim Female Super Hero Kamala Khan

Muslim Female Super Hero Kamala Khan  @adrianalphona



International Women’s Day Is Marked Worldwide

“Equality for women is progress for all”.

That is the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day, being celebrated today, March 8, across the world.

Lamenting discrimination against women and girls worldwide, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said: “Where men and women have equal rights, societies prosper.”

Organisers of a rally marking the event in the Philippines capital, Manila, couldn’t agree more.

“The reason why we are doing this is because we want to reaffirm our commitment to create an enabling environment for women to become better in what they do,” said Organising Committee Partner, Gilda Patricia Maquilan.

“In that way, they can help in uplifting the lives of their family and their communities.”

The Manila rally, at the Quirino grandstand,involved thousands of women standing in a giant human formation of the cross-like female scientific symbol.

Not only was it a huge statement on behalf of women but the female formation could also make it into the Guinness Book of Records.

Money Laundering Out Of Control Worldwide

Our correspondent Andreas Frank points out:

In its 2014 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, the US State Department is updating the list of major money laundering countries and jurisdictions around the world.

Major Money Laundering Countries in 2013 are:

Afghanistan, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Somalia, Spain, St. Maarten, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

A major money laundering country is defined by statute as one “whose financial institutions engage in currency transactions involving significant amounts of proceeds from international narcotics trafficking”.

However, the complex nature of money laundering transactions today makes it difficult in many cases to distinguish the proceeds of narcotics trafficking from the proceeds of other serious crime.

This year’s list of major money laundering countries recognizes this relationship by including all countries and other jurisdictions whose financial institutions and/or non-financial businesses and professions or other value transfer systems engage in transactions involving significant amounts of proceeds from all serious crime.

The report which describes the steps taken during the previous year by the governments of nearly 90 countries, to reduce illicit narcotics production, trafficking, and use, as well as money laundering and financial crimes, said that the “complex nature of money laundering transactions today makes it difficult in many cases to distinguish the proceeds of narcotics trafficking from the proceeds of other serious crime.

The United States has named several Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries as major money laundering states whose financial institutions engage in currency transactions involving significant amounts of proceeds from international narcotics trafficking.


The US State Department urged Germany again to become a party to the UN Convention against Corruption.  Germany is finally ready to sign UNCAC.

On February 21, 2014 the German Bundestag 582 against 7 for German regulations to stop bribery of parliamentarian. The issue is the last major obstacle to Germany’s ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Germany is expected to ratify UNCAC before the summer.  It has taken 11 years and three different governments to finally reach this breakthrough.

International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports:
Drug and Chemical Control
Money Laundering and Financial Crimes

Note: Banks are not the only financial institutions money laundering.

Note: Banks are not the only financial institutions money laundering.

How Financial Advisors Mistreat Women

And What Women Can Do About It

Since the 1950s, women have increasingly assumed the breadwinner role in the household, yet many of them still don’t seek out financial advice. Instead, they rely on friends and family.

Why? According to some women in the financial services business, it’s because banks, brokerages and other related firms don’t treat women with respect. “Wall Street is largely male-dominated, and much of the language we use about money is very ego-based and women don’t relate well to it,” says Hilary Martin, a financial advisor and strategist with San Jose, Calif.-based Family Wealth Consultants, Inc., a registered investment advisor. “Traditionally, women haven’t taken an active role in their investments and financial planning. That fact is changing, but the truth is that it is changing slowly.”

We talked to several women who work in the financial services industry as financial planners, advisors and asset managers about the biggest problems they’ve observed in some financial advisors’ treatment of women and how women can proactively address these issues
How Financial Advisors Mistreat Women

How Financial Advisors Mistreat Women

Kaloti Case Lifts Curtain On Dubai Gold Trade

Why Dubai’s first conflict gold audit never saw the light of dayGlobal witness

Our correspondent Andreas Frank points out. Dubai has long had a reputation as a destination for African gold tainted by conflict and a hub for smuggling through the Middle East and Asia. A report by Global Witness provides a rare glimpse into how the city’s bustling gold trade works – and how local regulators and auditors allegedly tried to cover up at least one instance where supply-chain due diligence was lacking.

At the center of the report, based on documents handed to Global Witness by an Ernst & Young whistleblower, lies a gold refiner called Kaloti Jewellery Group. The company is run by the Jordanian Kaloti family, who have a refinery near Dubai and are building another capable of processing up to 2,000 tons of gold and silver a year, making it the largest such facility in the world.

Gold trading and refining seem to pose a high money laundering risk. On November 4, 2013 a Swiss gold refiner was accused of money laundering
Kaloti case lifts curtain on Dubai Gold Trade
City of Gold  Why Dubai’s first conflict gold audit never saw the light of day

Worlds largest shoes store at Dubai Mall now selling 600 pairs a dayKaloti suffers reputation damage

Top 10 Emerging Technologies That Will Reshape the Future

WEFSmarter drugs, super-light cars and computers operated by thought among 10 breakthroughs highlighted
The World Economic Forum’s Wef Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies is composed of top experts on new technologies around the world, representing both the academic and business world.  WEF GAC EmergingTechnologies

Body-adapted Wearable Electronics
Grid-scale Electricity Storage
Nanowire Lithium-ion Batteries
RNA-based Therapeutics
Quantified Self (Predictive Analytics)
Nanostructured Carbon Composites
Mining Metals from Desalination Brine
Screenless Display
Human Microbiome Therapeutics
Brain-computer Interfaces

Future Technologies