Financial advice for young female professionals

Females and finance: money questions for the ladies.
Last week, Moneywise received a letter from a 29-year old professional and Bermudian resident employed successfully in Bermuda. She asked us to consider answering some financial questions in order to assure herself that she is on track financially. While we cannot provide specific personal financial advice, however, we requested permission to place a sanitised version (scrubbed of personal information) of her queries into the public domain. We thank her for allowing us this chance to provide some information. See questions:   Females and finance_ money questions for the ladies.

ILO Warns of Social Unrest in Europe

Because of the continuing high figures in unemployment in great parts of Europe, experts warn of social unrest.

The respective risk today is much higher than it was before the financial crisis broke out in September 2008, according to a situation report of the International Labor Organization (ILO) which was published today in Geneva, Switzerland.According to the ILO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, around ten million people more are unemployed than before the start of the crisis. Only in the last six months, one million persons have lost their jobs in the EU countries. The organization demands a focus on measures to create jobs in order to master the aftermath of the crisis. “While fiscal and competitiveness goals are important, it is crucial not to tackle them through austerity measures and structural reforms that do not address the root causes of the crisis,” declares the ILO in a snapshot of the EU labor market launched ahead of its 9th European Regional Meeting that starts in Oslo on Monday. “Instead, moving to a job-centred strategy could serve both macroeconomic and employment goals.”In February 2013, 26.3m Europeans were unemployed which is an increase of 10.2m persons. The unemployment rate in the EU countries currently comes at 10.9 % which is 4.1 percentage points above pre-crisis level and lead to a historical high of 12 %.

However, according to ILO, there are big differences within the Eurozone. While the unemployment rate in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus was particularly high, other countries like Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, Malta and Austria the employment rate even augment above pre-crisis level, according to the data. The risk of social unrest in Europe is now 12 percentage points higher than before September 2008.  ILO_Europe_Job_Market_7.4.13

Women In Finance: A Comprehensive List You Need To Know

When it comes to breaking glass ceilings, women have come a long way even in the last few years. In media, especially, there has been an amazing amount of discussion of late about the role of women in politics, education, and the notoriously difficult STEM fields. We’ve even seen research that companies with women in board positions are more profitable. But what about Wall Street? Are women making as much progress there as they are in liberal fields? Well, this amazing infographic from The New York Times may have the answer…articleWomen In Finance_ A Comprehensive List You Need To Know

ICIJ Secret Files Expose Offshore’s Global Impact

ICIJ Secret Files Expose Offshore’s Global Impact

Government officials and their families and associates in Azerbaijan, Russia, Canada, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Canada, Mongolia and other countries have embraced the use of covert companies and bank accounts.

The mega-rich use complex offshore structures to own mansions, yachts, art master-pieces and other assets, gaining tax advantages and anonymity not available to average people.

Many of the world’s top’s banks – including UBS, Clariden and Deutsche Bank – have aggressively worked to provide their customers with secrecy-cloaked companies in the British Virgin Islands and other offshore hideaways.

A well-paid industry of accountants, middlemen and other operatives has helped offshore patrons shroud their identities and business interests, providing shelter in many cases to money laundering or other misconduct.

Ponzi schemers and other large-scale fraudsters routinely use offshore havens to pull off their shell games and move their ill-gotten gains…ICIF_Nominee_Trick_25.11.12How the nominee trick worksICIJ – How the nominee trick works

A nominee director is per se not illegal and can sometimes be useful, for example in preparing “off-the-shelf” ready-made companies.

But the legal conjuring trick behind the nominee systems opens the way to abuses such as using a “shell” companies for tax evasion, fraud, money laundering and other crimes.

For the trick with nominee directors to work depends on three pieces of paper:

  • A promise by a nominee director only to do what the real owner tells them.
  • Under a “general power of attorney” the nominee secretly hands back all control to that real owner.
  • The third commonly-used document is a signed, but undated director’s resignation letter.

A nominee director is someone who is renting his or her name to hide the beneficial owner by taking the position on paper of the company’s directors. The term of straw man or front man has been used to describe someone who is acting as the nominee. Legally, according to the incorporation documents, the nominee is responsible for the company or entity. In addition, if it is the case of a nominee that is also listed as the nominee shareholder, then they in effect also have the related ownership responsibilities as well.

The basic function of the nominee director is to shield working executives of limited and other companies from the public disclosure requirements. It is designed to help a person who would rather not disclose their interest or association with a given corporate body. Anyone performing a company search on a company with a nominee director would be unable to discover in whose name the nominee director was registered.


Tax emerges as crucial issue in post-2015 development talks

Tax evasion by multinationals and corrupt leaders has emerged as a key issue ahead of the third substantive meeting of a UN high-level panel to discuss a framework for development after 2015.

The theme of this week’s meeting in the sweltering Indonesian resort island of Bali is global partnership, the orphan child of the millennium development goals (MDGs). Devoid of clear targets, MDG8 talks in general terms about an open, rule-based trading and financial system, dealing with debt burdens, providing access to affordable essential medicines, and increasing access to new technologies. Goal eight also mentions fostering links between the public and private sector to drive better development…articleNigeria's finance minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, wants action on tax evasion. Photograph