World Bank wants improved access to finance for Nigerian women farmers

…“Although 35 per cent of women are employed in the agriculture sector, and 44 per cent of the country’s female headed households are involved in agriculture activities, only 18 per cent of rural plots are managed by female farmers,” said Ms. Marie-Nelly. “Boosting women’s agricultural productivity in Nigeria will require not only giving women access to land, but more critically improved access to finance as well as valuable information“..article World Bank wants improved access to finance for Nigerian women farmers

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A Matter of Priorities

For many women, raising their children to be financially savvy is extremely important, particularly if they come from an economically stressful situation. More than likely, this is because the parents want their kids to be better off financially than they are.

Interestingly, the survey found that mothers, rather than fathers, spent the most time talking with their children about money management, budgeting, saving, responsible spending, and debt. On the other hand, men are slightly more likely to have a budget and emergency savings — two key indicators of economic stability for a family…article
Please check WTW Financial Literacy Report  
International Barometer
of Women’s Financial Literacy / Visa
Women Need To Get Serious About Emergency Savings


Success stories: Contributing towards women empowerment, every step counts


Over 1,500 women participated in a project aimed at honing their leadership skills and enabling them to make effective decisions in personal, social and political spheres. Gathered from 30 districts, some 50 women leaders shared their experiences at the concluding ceremony of the project titled “Raise Her Voice” here on Wednesday…article  About 5,370 women have been connected to micro finance institutions for loans

EU must take ‘concrete action’ against money laundering

Money laundering is on the EU agenda and it is good news that a deal to clamp down on the practice is within reach – but the proposal falls short in two significant ways, says Oxfam

Nowadays, little prevents corrupt politicians, mobsters, tax dodgers and those financing terrorist activities from hiding their ill-gotten gains in a European bank account. By simply hiding their identity behind an anonymous company, almost no one even raises an eyebrow. Europe’s financial system allows them to launder all their dirty money because banks are not obliged to find out who the real owner is. Once their cash gets into a bank, criminals can move it around the global banking system and keep it out of the tax authorities’ reach…Artikel  EU must take concrete action against money laundering

Communiqué Meeting of G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

In their joint communiqué, the G20 ministers (whose ranks include ministers from four EU member states – France, Germany, the UK and Italy) “urge all jurisdictions to move towards exchanging information automatically” between tax administrations.

“Financial Inclusion.

16. We welcome the launch of the Financial Inclusion Support Framework. We welcome the upcoming Seminar on “Women and Finance” and the launch of the Women’s Finance Hub hosted by the SME Finance Forum, which will provide best practices and knowledge sharing. We call on the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion to report on the gaps and challenges in the global environment for SME finance, as well as potential policy responses, by our July meeting. We welcome the Financial Action Task Force’s revised Guidance on Financial Inclusion as an important step in helping to create an enabling regulatory environment for innovative financial inclusion”. ..
G20 Communique_19.4.13