IMF Concedes It Made Mistakes on Greece

IMF Concedes It Made Mistakes on Greece

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has admitted to major missteps over the past 3 years in its handling of the bailout of Greece, according to a leaked internal document that was later published by the IMF_Greece

Over the last three years, a number of senior IMF figures, including Managing Director Christine Lagarde, have repeatedly said that Greece’s debt level was “sustainable” – likely to be repaid in full and on time…article

A Greek flag flutters


ILO Warns 200m Jobless by 2015

ILO, International Labour Organization, warns ‘more than 200m jobless by 2015’

More than 200m people across the world are predicted to be jobless in 2015, a report has claimed, with employment rates not expected to return to pre-crisis levels for another four years….ArtikelEchoing warnings from politicians and other leaders



Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip

3 Myths About Working Women

Working women have been a growing force in the economy for three decades, as more women graduate from college, take professional jobs and influence household spending decisions. In some important ways, women even outpace men. They fared better during the recent recession, for instance, and women now earn the majority of bachelor’s and advanced degrees…article working women

Finance Ministry seeks RBI approval for all-women bank

To make all-women bank a reality by October, the Finance Ministry has approached the Reserve Bank for clearance to set up the country’s first such bank.

“The committee set up to prepare the blueprint for all-women bank has submitted its report to the Finance Minister. We have sought in-principle approval from RBI for all women bank,” Financial Services Secretary Rajiv Takru told PTI.

The first all-women bank wholly-owned by government is expected to start operations from November 2013 through six branches spread across the length and breadth of the country…article The Hindu_Setting up of Mahila Bank with an intial capital of Rs 1000 crores.

Is the Vatican Bank finally fighting money laundering for real?

The Holy See’s new financial watchdog just announced six incidents of possible monetary malfeasance from last year. The Vatican has been trying to shed its image as a murky financial center since at least 1982.

Rene Bruelhart, the head of the Vatican’s new Financial Intelligence Authority, disclosed Wednesday that he had found six incidents of possible money laundering in the Vatican Bank from last year — marking the first step in what may be a new era of transparency for the scandal-stained institution…article

Vatikan geht bei Geldwäsche härter vor

Is the Vatican Bank finally fighting money laundering for real?

Is the Vatican Bank finally fighting money laundering for real?