The Global QE Exit Crisis

The global economy could be in the early stages of another crisis. Once again, the US Federal Reserve is in the eye of the storm.

As the Fed attempts to exit from so-called quantitative easing (QE) – its unprecedented policy of massive purchases of long-term assets – many high-flying emerging economies suddenly find themselves in a vise. Currency and stock markets in India and Indonesia are plunging, with collateral damage evident in Brazil, South Africa, and Turkey.

The Fed insists that it is blameless – the same absurd position that it took in the aftermath of the Great Crisis of 2008-2009, when it maintained that its excessive monetary accommodation had nothing to do with the property and credit bubbles that nearly pushed the world into the abyss. It remains steeped in denial: Were it not for the interest-rate suppression that QE has imposed on developed countries since 2009, the search for yield would not have flooded emerging economies with short-term “hot” money…
The Global QE Exit Crisis 

Federal Reserve Is In The Eye Of The StormFederal Reserve is in the eye of the storm

Raising the Profile of Women’s Participation in Finance

GENDER issues are topical and trending and the women folks are raising the bar with campaigns and greater participation in knowledge-based skills that equip them to take on the challenge. But the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), a global finance and accounting body, said that its diversity concept, which is intrinsic in all its operations, is a tool to overcoming the challenge….
Raising the profile of women’s participation in finance

How Can Women in Papua New Guinea Get Access to Financial Services?

Women constitute approximately 50% of the country’s 7 million people but Papua New Guinea-mapedisproportionally represent less than 30% of total financial services portfolio in the country. They represent an untapped population of economically active low-income businesswomen, who are also household financial managers, making a large volume of transactions. All participating commercial banks and micro banks concurred that women represent an important market segment for them and at today’s workshop, made a commitment to increase outreach to women to 50% of total portfolio by 2015.
How Can We Deepen Womens Access to Financial Services

Papua New GuineaLine Waelgaard. Papua New Guinea. Winnie Weoa. This shows the daily life of village women in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Corruption fighter, Afghan woman, rights group finalists for UBC integrity prize

An international human rights group, an Indian corruption fighter and a campaigner for Afghan women’s rights are the finalists for a $100,000 human-rights prize to be handed out by the University of British Columbia’s law school.

It is the inaugural Allard Prize for International Integrity, which will be one of the largest awards in the world given out for efforts to combat corruption and promote human rights…
Corruption fighter, Afghan woman

Corruption fighter, Afghan woman

Leaning Out: Number of Women in Finance Declines

A new study shows that the number of women on Wall Street is falling. The finance industry’s culture remains a problem.  

Over the past year, a handful of prominent women have helped reinvigorate the conversation about their gender’s collective ascent within the workforce. Former director of policy planning at the U.S. State Department Anne-Marie Slaughter touched off the debate in June 2012 in her Atlantic article, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All.” Last fall, journalist Hanna Rosin took the other side in her book The End of Men: And the Rise of Women, built on the optimistic premise that women’s increasingly dominant role within the global economy is all but assured. This March, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave her views on modern workplace feminism in Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, advising women on how best to climb the corporate ladder….
Number of Women in Finance Declines

Number of Women in Finance Declines

Female business owners see better future ?

Think of this as an economic pop-up. A small business here or there starts talking about seeing promising signs of economic light.

And promising signs are pumping up payrolls, as several female business owners told me that they once again will begin hiring.

We often focus on what’s happening in cars or real estate when talking about the economic recovery. But as business owners, women are key to watch as well when it comes to economic development.

There are more than 10 million businesses owned by women (in the US) and growing at a faster rate than any other type of small business….
Female business owners see better future

Female Business Owners

“I was just thinking Freddie, what would you ever do without me?” Barbara Shermund original. Part of the International Museum of Cartoon Art Collection, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.

One of the first female cartoonists at The New Yorker, Barbara was one of the most edgy, whimsical, and cutting cartoonists of the past century.

Women in Banking and Finance / Australia

I’m delighted to announce the appointment of Amanda Dobbie as WiBF’s first Chief Executive Officer. Amanda joins us having most recently been the Managing Director of Bloomberg in Australia, a position that she held for over 10 years. She devised and led the strategies that leveraged Bloomberg’s technical strengths and built it into what it is today – the dominant information distribution platform within the Australian financial industry. That experience aligns perfectly with our approach at WiBF – which is about leveraging strengths into success – for our organisation and our members..
WiBF appoints first CEO

Amanda Dobbie