Illicit Financial Flows

China, the largest cumulative exporter of illegal capital flight, as well as the largest victim inillicit financial flows 2010, was the topic of an GFI October 2012 country-specific report “Illicit Financial Flows from China and the Role of Trade Misinvoicing”. The report found that the Chinese economy suffered $3.79 trillion in illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2011.
The GFI reports continue to demonstrate that the Chinese economy is a ticking time bomb. The social, political, and economic order in that country is not sustainable in the long-run given such massive illicit outflows….Illicit Financial Flows From Developing Countries: 2001-2010

Finance background helps women get boardroom positions

KUALA LUMPUR: A financial qualification or a background which demonstrates substantial financial acument are seen as catalysts for women getting onto the boards of FTSE 100 Index companies, said a report by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
The report, ‘Women in finance: A springboard to corporate board positions?’, said proportionally, women appeared to be more successful in attaining executive roles where they had a financial background…article women on board

Daniele Nouy ?

Juncker backs French woman to head new bank supervisorDanièle NOUY

The head of the European Union’s new banking regulator should be a woman and in this first instance, come from France, according to outgoing eurozone head Jean-Claude Juncker…
… on Thursday also revealed that the job to lead the eurozone’s new bank supervision body would go to a French woman. “I am totally in favor of having a female representative,” he said. “It will be done, and (she) will be French.”
He did not elaborate but French media reports pointed to Daniele Nouya top official at the Banque de France…article