Top ten quotes of the day from Davos

After a day of discussions ranging from the future of Russia to what the West Wing tellsTop ten quotes of the day from Davos us about intelligence, here are some of the day’s highlights…article

“Europe faces issues, but its destiny shines through the smoke and fog. I’m optimistic about Europe’s future”

“Unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled.”
Christine Lagarde


Annual Meeting 2013 Davos
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Leading against the OddsThe World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. World Economic Forum

Eurodad European Network on Debt and Development

Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2001-2010 New Report Finds Crime, Corruption, and Tax Evasion at Near-Historic Highs in 2010

…New Report Finds Crime, Corruption, and Tax Evasion at Near-Historic Highs in 2010 Global Financial Integrity just released their annual global update on the amount of money flowing illicitly out of the developing world due to crime, corruption, and tax …Read more
See also:
How can women work against corruption?


Do Women Manage Money Better Than Men?

The hedge fund industry has long been a male-dominated arena, but maybe that hedge fund managershould change. Consider that a new study shows hedge funds led by women far outperformed the global hedge fund index in the first three quarters of 2012…..
“As far as women running funds, I would like to see more women step out on their own and do what it takes to become white hot in an otherwise dull universe with only a handful of bright male stars,” he said. ..article


Women a new target group of financial advisor’s ?

Women Winning in Business, FinanceWomen Winning in Business_ Finance

…Women have been proving their success as advisors. The Fidelity study showed that female advisors had 5 percent higher assets under management and were generally more satisfied than their male counterparts. Although women earned five percent less than men, they had a higher sentiment score and higher average account size. While both genders were adjusting their strategies in the past year to focus on gaining new clients and increasing their share of wallet, women were focused more on networking to generate new business by attending events and seminars and in expanding the types of services they offer. In addition, more women than men were working with clients on areas outside of traditional investments, including long-term care, health care financing, and trust planning…..article