All in the Family

Family firms are flourishing around the world.  37% of firms with over 1 billion in assets are leading the ermerging markets.

In the US, family  firms are treated favorably by legislation   Families can keep their money and reinvest it in the business with favorable consequences.  Ford weathered the economic downtrun without borrowing money from the govenrment.  Almost 40 famiily members are connected to Ford.

Walmart, Volkswagen, Glencore, and Samsung are still controlled by families.

Special classes of shares, allowing family members to run the company, liike Ana Botin and Abigail Johnson,and maybe even genetics come into play.

Family firms are less likely to lad up on debt they historicaly have had better labor relaitons, and they tend to have a superior corporate culture.

Warren Buffet likes to buy family firms. Helzberg Diamonds has been discussed on this site.  Buffett plans for succession in his firm include his son.

Family Businesses

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