Adaptation: Blackberry, Apple, Google, Twitter and You

A tech giant rises as another falls reported on the Financial Times. It juxtaposed Twitter’s initial public offering (IPO), which is set to raise more from the market than Google did in 2004, with the chaotic events at BlackBerry, which dropped a plan to sell itself got 4.7bn, jettisoned its chief executive and said it would raise 1bn in cheap debt.

Is that how it goes? Is the technology business a sort of one-in, one-out game? It’s certainly hard to find a company with more enthusiastic investors ahead of the bell than Twitter – though let’s see how things go once the shares are traded – nor one that has been more heftily dumped than BlackBerry, which in June 2008 boasted shares topping $144. Now they languish at $6.50.  Lessons from Blackberry


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