
European Network on Debt and Development is a network of 50 non-governmental European Network on Debt and Developmentorganisations (NGOs)

The network is analysing and influencing European government’s policy responses to the financial crisis. The main institutions targeted by the Eurodad network are European governments, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Eurodad’s aims are to:

  • push for development policies that support pro-poor and democratically-defined sustainable development strategies.
  • support the empowerment of Southern people to chart their own path towards development and ending poverty.
  • seek a lasting and sustainable solution to the debt crisis, appropriate development financing, and a stable international financial system conducive to development. EURODAT Report

The report recommends that this political opportunity is used to:

  • Create publically available government registers of the real owners and controllers of companies, trusts and other such legal structures.
  • Make all tax evasion, a predicate offence of money laundering.Improve compliance
  • with and enforcement of anti-money laundering rules and introduce credible sanctions.


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