SIGAR Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

SIGAR Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction2_endemic corruption

The Defense Department said that “endemic corruption” was one of the major risks for Afghanistan as US forces prepare to exit by the end of 2014….report

4 thoughts on “SIGAR Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

  1. Very important report which says that when an inspection team visited Kabul International in April 2011, the currency counters were only being used to count cash declared by normal passengers but were not connected to the Internet – and, therefore, not the FinTRACA – and they weren’t being used at all whenever any VIPs flew breezed through. Additionally, high-ranking officials and others known as “Very Very Important Persons” (VVIPs), were allowed to go through their own lounge without going through the main customs screening and did not have to submit their cash to the bulk currency counters.

    At the time of the visit, Afghan officials could not explain why the counters weren’t being properly used, the report says, but one Department of Homeland Security official told the inspectors the Afghans were “afraid they would experience negative repercussions from [the Afghan government] if progress in instituting controls at the airport was made.”

  2. We (the US) is pouring so much money into Afghan reconstruction, that you have to ask if lots of it is exiting the country in the pockets of Afghans supervising reconstruction.

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