Women Against Corruption / WAC
Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption!
What Does It Mean To Women?
Join our international Group

Women Against Corruption (WAC) is a community aimed to create an international network of women committed to the fight against corruption, who want to learn about illicit finance and connect with like-minded people.

By hosting regular conferences, we want to give a voice to women committed to fighting corruption within their communities and around the world. Join us in discussing your experiences and learning from other inspiring women!

We want to support each other by sharing resources and knowledge surrounding the combat of corruption – please contact us if you or someone you know would like to talk at one of our conferences!



Dagmar Frank


Women against Corruption /WAC

Here you can find the video’s, articles, pictures and press reports which are surely interesting for many even after some time:

Human Trafficking and Financial Corruption
Anne Basham Video about her work on preventing human trafficking and its connection to corruption.

Corruption a Scourge of Humanity
Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption!
What Does It Mean To Women?

WEF World Economic Forum ‘SHE IS GLOBAL’

The Beauty and the Beast- Whistleblower
Whistleblowing and the Food Industry
Guest speaker Yasmine Motarjemi

Experiences writing about the Mafia and Corruption
Women Against Corruption / WAC
Guest speaker Petra Reski

Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption!
What Does It Mean To Women?
WEF World Economic Forum Argentina 2020 / Speaker Dagmar Frank


Welcome to W-T-W Women and Finance Anti-Corruption 

Contact us:
Write a mail to info@w-t-w.org and let us know you want to join WAC group