Women Networks Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering

Organized Crime – What Does It Mean To Women?
Women And Children Worldwide Suffer Most From Corruption! Lets Fight Together Against Transnational Organized Crime – TOC, Corruption And Money Laundering.

Anti Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism – AML/CFT

What Can Women-Networks Do About?

  • Talk and inform about Transnational Organized Crime – TOC, Mafia,
    corruption and money laundering
  • Offer advice on how to present these subjects
  • Appreciate whistle-blowers, the police, journalists and experts on money laundering, and propose them for awards
  • Crime enablers: Reveal the web of patronage, cover-up and disguising
  • Find lady scientists who research in this field and discuss with them possibilities to resolve these problems
  • Form working groups for individual subjects, invite lady experts.
  • Solidarity and networking with women, educate children in this sense
  • Support antimafia organizations, travel-and-study groups. Don’t buy drugs and fake products
  • Send readers’ letters to the press and members of parliament. Ask questions
  • Demand freedom of information laws and transparency
  • If necessary file a criminal complaint
  • Inform TV/radio/video/film and vote in elections
  • Find others who are interested: authoresses, bloggers, social media groups, lady-directors, films, artists

What else can we do?

Cartoon: @lizadonnelly / Liza Donnelly

Organisierte Kriminalität – Was geht das Frauen an?
Was bedeutet Crime Enabling? Wie verschleiert man ein Verbrechen ? Was ist ein Heimlichkeitsdelikt oder eine Vertuschungsgemeinschaft? Was können Frauen-Netzwerke tun?