Activism in US Brings Down Drug Price

Mylan was assaulted by petitions from ordinary citizens when it doubled the price on a drug that is indispensable for people who suffer from severe allergies.  The pharmaceutical company that makes the expensive, life-saving EpiPen—an auto-injector that comes preloaded with anaphylaxis treatment—will launch a generic version of the product in the wake of intense criticism over recent price hikes. A new generic will cost $300 for a two-pack, which is about half the regular version’s market price. It will be available within the next several weeks. Mylan CEO Heather Bresch called her company’s move “an extraordinary commercial response” to patient anger and frustration over the rising cost of EpiPen. Last week, the drug maker had offered discounts on the shots for lower-income patients and triggered further anger. The company was widely criticized by parents and right-minded citizens following the latest price rises, which amounted to more than 400 percent over the past 10 years.