Failure of Anti-Corruption Measures in Ukraine?

Claims of resigned Ukraine’s Economic Development Minister Aivaras Abromavicius about corruption in the government could indicate failure of introduced reforms, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde said.

“His [Abromavicius’s] recently announced resignation is of concern,” Lagarde stated. “If the allegations that he makes in his resignation are correct, then it is obviously an indication that the anti-corruption measures that were committed to by the government are not yet working.”

Abromavicius announced his plans to resign because he was unable to work effectively. In his resignation letter, the minister named corruption and political pressure as reasons for the decision.

Lagarde noted that Abromavicius conducted “good and solid reforms” in Ukraine, and paid tribute to his effort.

“We have known all along that in relation to corruption, a lot of work needs to be done,” she added.

In March 2015, the IMF approved a four-year $17.5-billion assistance package to Ukraine to help the recovery of its ailing economy. To receive the financial aid, Kiev has committed to complex reforms, including enhanced anti-corruption policies.
