Who Migrates Across Borders?

Alex Griswold writes:   Actress Emily Blunt said that after watching the Republican presidential debate in August, she regretted becoming an American citizen.

Blunt made the comments in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter at the Toronto Film Festival. “I became an American citizen recently, and that night, we watched the debate and I thought, ‘this was a terrible mistake. What have I done?’” she said.

The British-born actress only recently obtained dual citizenship in August. Blunt also told THR that she supports Democratic Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren for president.

Blunt stars in the film SICARIO about drug enforcement on the US/Mexican border.  At a time when we are wondering about exactly who is coming across borders from one country to another, these detailed, terrifying film on US efforts to stem the flow of drug traffic to the US is important.  Both in the EU and in the US, refugees, economic migrants, drug traffickers and human traffickers are mixed in a toxic brew.