Smart Phone Addiction?

According to a recent Gallop poll, 81 percent of smart phone users keep them with them all the time.  Seventy-two percent said they checked the smart phone at least once an hour.

Ever since the first iPhone arrived in 2007, smartphones have gradually taken over our lives. We use them to listen to music, take photos, follow the news and sometimes even to make phone calls. They have become a constant presence in both our professional and our personal lives.

Especially young Americans can hardly keep their eyes away from their phone screen. 22 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds glimpse at their phone every few minutes and another 51 percent do so several times an hour.

Interestingly, most smartphone users don’t seem to consider their device usage excessive. 61 percent of the respondents claim to use their own device less frequently than the people around them – a misperception that is not entirely unlike addict behavior.

Smart Phone Addiction