Greece Makes its Promises

The General Director of the International Monetary Funds (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said a restructuration of the Greek debt is “necessary”.
She added she was “committed” to finding a solution to the crisis in the country. “We feel a restructuration of Greece’s debt is necessary to make its debt viable”, the IMF boss said during a conference in Washington. She was going against the opinion of European authorities, who have rejected that option for the moment.Greece, which is calling for its enormous debt to be reduced, promised to present a new program of “credible” reforms on Wednesday: its response to the ultimatum given by European authorities.Without directly talking about the propositions, Mrs Lagarde spoke of “important developments”, and said Greece was dealing with a “painful crisis that must be dealt with”. Despite Greece defaulting on its debt to the institution, Mrs Lagarde said the IMF was still “committed” to Greece. “We are still fully committed to finding a solution”, she said.
Greek Proposal   Greek Reform