for Jobs?

Should be brought into the workforce and match employees with jobs?  The US Secretary of Labor, Thomas Perez, thinks this would be a good idea.

Labor Secretary Thomas Perez wants the Obama administration to be the economic version of a dating website. “ Our goal is to match jobseekers who want to punch their way to the middle class with businesses,” Perez said Wednesday at a speech in Washington. He added that U.S. officials need to “step up our game” and reevaluate the old models that ushered young people into the economy.

“We’ve got to get rid of the old models of train-and-pray where you train people for jobs and pray people will find them for those jobs,” Perez said at the forum, hosted by the center-left think tank Third Way. “If people aren’t hiring widget makers — we shouldn’t train people to be widget workers.” for Jobs