700 Illegal Immigrants Dead in Transit

Foreign Policy reports:  Some 700 people are feared dead after a boat carrying up to 950 migrants bound for Europe capsized off the coast of Libya. The incident is the deadliest accident involving migrants from Africa to Europe yet. Only 28 people have been rescued and only 24 bodies have been recovered. Witnesses say the capsizing may have occurred after hundreds on board all rushed to the same side on the ship to get a better view of a passing Portuguese vessel.

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has asked has that European leaders discuss irregular migration at a meeting in Brussels. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherii saidi that Europe has a “moral duty” to solve the crisis. Pope Francis appealed to the international community “react decisively and quickly to see to it that such tragedies are not repeated.

Libya: A new video from Islamic State-affiliated militants in Libya claims to show the murder of 30 Ethiopian Christian migrants, 15 of whom were shot and 15 of whom were beheaded. The Ethiopian government has not confirmed not that its citizens were the victims. The video featured speeches and interviews with Islamic State members in Syria and Iraq suggesting, close cooperation between the jihadi group their and the Libyan affiliate.

We are trying to trace the money trail on illegal immigration, which often goes from drug dealers to underground contacts in the destination country.

Illegal Immigration