Diane Morris TIWA Award Recipient

TIWA announces:  Diane Morris has been named the 2015 recipient of the  Mandy Goetze 21st Century Award. 

A graduate of the London School of Economics for whom she was the inaugural Chair of the Female Alumni Network, Diane has a marketing background, originally working in consumer magazines and advertising for IPC Women’s Magazines and Gillette in the UK, moving into international business media with BBC World, TIME and Fortune Magazine during the ten years she spent in Asia. She moved into conferences with DNMstrategies who were the producers and managers of the BusinessWeek conferences in Asia. Her experience of working in Africa, USA, and Asia has recently led to an invitation to become a tutor in International Marketing with the Institute of Export and International Trade.

Since returning to London, she has been granted the Freedom of the City of London, and is a Court Assistant and the Fellowship Chairman of The Worshipful Company of Marketors, and a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of World Traders. These Liveries are highly influential in the City of London.

In parallel to her career, Diane has been very active in women’s networks, as President of Foreign Executive Women (FEW Tokyo)  joining TIAW in 1994, and Programme Director of PrimeTime Business and Professional Women’s Association (Singapore). She moved back to London in 2001, joining City Women Network (CWN) on the recommendation of TIAW. She was responsible for the TIAW programme in London in 2003, successfully promoting its Women on Boards’ programme to become part of the UK Government’s policy to encourage women into the boardroom. She is a Past President of CWN, and also a Past President of TIAW, 2008 -2010. She is a co founder of the TIAW World of Difference 100 Awards, and serves on TIAW’s Finance and Board Nomination Committees.

She is also the Chairman of the Judging Panel for the European Union Women Inventors and Innovators Awards and a mentor with the Cherie Blair Foundation.

Diane Morris


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