Baidu Competes with Alibaba in China

Baidu, China’s biggest search engine, doesn’t have to worry about Google.  Google gave up the Chinese market when they ran into censorship issues.

In part because people are sarching via apps on smartphones instead of computers, and also because Alibaba and Tencent are nipping at their heels Baidu is spreading its wings.

Already it has devised an excellent voice-recognition system for Mandarin.  It has invented smart chopsticks which can detect food that’s gone bad.  They have their own version of Google’s smart spectacles.  Baidu recently opened a research center in SIlicon Valley headed by Andrew Ng, a pioneer in artificial intelligence.

They are also investing in outsdie innovators.  They have put money in Pixeillot, a firm that makes software to enhance online videos.  Baidu ust put money in a Finnish firm that does enhanced mapping.

And they have invested in Uber.  Despite its troubles in various countries, Uber is entering China as an upper end provider with big, comfortbale cars.  Alibaba and Tencent have a duopoly on taxi-hailing apps.

Baidu chairman is close to the government and may have been assured that Uber is not at risk of being shut down in China.

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