Germans: The Best US Immigrants?

If you divide Hispanic immigrants to the US into their various countries of origins, the largest group of immigrants in America are Germans. Msny of these families first came to America after the revolutions of 1848.

Today politiciians John Boehner and Rand Paul are both of German heritgage.  Companies founded by Germans include Pfizer, Boeing, Steinway, Levi Strauss and Heinz.

American culture is flavored by Christmas trees, Easter bunnies, pretzels, hot dogs, bratwurst and sauerkraut.

It is said that the Italians stormed city hsl and the Germans stormed beer halls.

20,00o Germans were interned as enemy aliens in the Second World War.

Now Germans are quietly successful in this country.  Five years ago a small German-American Heritage Museum opened in Washington.

He plays a Steinway, just like you.

He plays a Steinway, just like you.

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