Enigma: Women in Science Not Represented in Popular Art

The Bechdel Tests requires a movie to have three basic elements to pass. A film must include: 1) two prominent female characters 2) who have a conversation 3) that is not about a man.

Why do relatively few women  occupy high-profile science or technology positions?  The problem may not be so much a lack of qualified women, but a question of representation instead.

Joan Clarke, the code-breaker depicted in the recent film The Imitation Game, was just one of numerous female mathematicians who worked at the U.K.’s World War II lab known as Bletchley Park. Women’s contributions to the development of the Mac were been scrubbed from the movie Jobs, and from the space mission in Apollo.

The upshot is that a perceived dearth of women in STEM professions can be partly addressed by ensuring the proper depiction of those who are already working in them.

Code Breaker Knightley in the Imitation Game

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