Solar in Africa

Almost 4 billion people around the world are off the grid or underelectrified.  They have on the average connection to one light bulb for three hours a day.  In teh absence of electicity, kerosene is used. Cokin with kerosene is very expensive.

Three revolutionary trends may change the distribution potential of light.  Solar power is getting cheaper.  LED lamps are more efficient and storage techniques are improving.

SAles of devices approved by the IFC/World Bank’s Lighting Africa program are doubling annually.  Lights are just the beginning.  Radios and even bigger systems like schools can run on solar power.

Three main problems have yet to be resolved.  Poor consumers have to be sure their investment makes sense.  Makers of mass market products have been slow to re-jig their products for solar.  Working capital is scarce.   But solar is a sensible way to provide elecricity in underserved Afirca.

Here is a Luci lamp available from

LuciContribute one to your chairty of choice.

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