Is There a German Problem?

merkel-greeceTimo Behr writes: For many decades, Germany has been the engine of European integration. Germany’s unquestioning commitment to an ever-closer Union, its willingness to place European interests above its narrow national aims, and its ability to grease the wheels of integration with its ‘checkbook diplomacy’ have been vital for the European project to prosper.

But Berlin’s foot-dragging during the Euro-crisis and Angela Merkel’s heavy-handedness when dictating the conditions of the financial bail-out have been widely interpreted as a sign that Germany might be turning its back on Europe.

Germany’s Interior Minister and a Merkel confidant, sent a blunt message last year: it may be new to Europeans that Germany is defending its interests with vigor, he stated, but others better get used to the idea. And Germany’s tabloid die Bild celebrated Merkel’s bruising victory during the Greek debt crisis with the triumphant headline “Never again Europe’s paymaster!”

Despite everything, German politicians are still unanimous in their backing for the European project and support for Euroskeptic political parties is lower in Germany than elsewhere. Moreover, German reactions to the Euro-crisis have been largely driven by economic anxieties and fear rather than a revival of German nationalism. Reports about Germany’s rediscovered self-confidence and national drive are equally overblown. The truth is that Germany is still unsure about its path and all the talk about German “normality” simply serves to hide its continuing insecurities.

Germany’s political elite is still not accustomed to thinking strategically or taking leadership responsibilities. Neither are other Europeans clear about or comfortable with the idea of more German leadership in the new Europe. They fret about the lack of German initiative, yet they have little taste for German guidance and have been quick to stigmatize German reactions.



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