Is Opposing Antonio Weiss a Worthy Battle?

Those nomination of Antonio Weiss to a treasury post has gotten ex tell burned democrats up in arms.  Elizabeth Warren is protesting his nomination.  While having the fox guard the chicken coop is a legitimate question for someone who has spent his career in investment banking,

Bloomberg View suggests suspicions are misplaced.  “The undersecretary for domestic policy oversees capital markets, financial institutions, consumer protections and not-insignificant matters like the national debt. For the last couple of decades, as an investment banker at Lazard in the U.S. and France, Weiss has been in the middle of complex financial deals involving businesses, banks, hedge funds and foreign governments. This is exactly the kind of real-world decision-making experience that will come in handy when interest rates finally start going up again — as they’re expected to this year — and the markets get jittery.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren may legitimately be leery after Congress weakened the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.  But this is probably  case of oveerkill.  Let’s focus on putting teeth in regulations that are on the books, empowering community banks, and splitting off high risk banking operations from tax payer backup.

Antonio Weiss and Elizabeth Warren

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