Pink Tide Rises in Latin America

Across Latin America the pink tide continues to rise.  As opposed to red, pinks relfect more moderate socialist ideas.  Leaders eschew pro-market, free-trade-policies such as privitization and deregulaion.  Anti-poverty policies are the cornerstone of the movement.

When Hugo Chavez died last year, some said pink tide would fade. Since then, Dilma Rousseff fended off a strong challenge in Brazil and in Bolivia Ewa Morales easily won a third time of office.

Leftist politicians have been so popular that more conservative politicians have to move to the center to stay in contention.  Efforts to overturn social security programs have been abandoned.

Extension of term limits in some countries has caused democrats to cry foul.  Some left leaders are accused of not leaning left enough.  Mr. Morales is critisized for supporting a market economy.

Tabare Vasquez victory in Uruguay shows that after 16 years the Pink Tide is still rising.

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