Accomplished Women 2014

Bayan Mahmoud al-Zahran opened Saudi Arabia’s first female law firm, where she’ll represent women and bring women’s rights issues into the courts.

“I believe women lawyers can contribute a lot to the legal system,” al-Zahran said. “This law firm will make a difference in the history of court cases and female disputes in the Kingdom. I am very hopeful and thank everyone who supported me in taking this historical step.”

Lady LawyersSusie Wolff, first woman to take part in a Formula One race in 22 years.

Formula One Racer

Professor Maryam Mirzakhani was the first woman to win the FIelds math medal.

Math StarThe first Women’s Party was established in Turkey to seek equal representation for women. Benal Yazgan, the chair of the party, said: “Once again, hegemony is being passed from man to man. The patriarchy is the same; they always leave women out and pass the roles amongst themselves.”

A Woman's Party in Turkey

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