Innovation Labs: Governments Around the World Are Taking Them Up

Places to hatch new ideas. One the province of big corporations, today government departments often have innovation labs.   Schumoeter writes:  Incubators, accelerators, granaries, laboratories and biog companies have had them for years. Now state governments around the world are following suit.  Demarik has a Mind Lab and Singapoore a PS21 office.

Sometimes governments copy what private companies are doing.  Mind Lab is based in the innovation unit of a big insurance firm, Skadia,  The New Orleans innovation delivery area is funded by Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York

In the UK, a behavioral insights team was the first government sgency dedicated to applying the insights of behavioral economics to public policy,

Whereever their location, these offices are first and foremost interested in harnessing technology. One common innovation to get customers to improve the products they have used.  These units are willing to experiment. Bureaucracies are designed to kill innovation while making everything more predictable.  Not Mind Lab.

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