Turkey and Russia Dance

Moscow and Ankara do not really see eye to eye on politics, but despite that have big economic potential, with Turkey considering itself an in-between partner who would take gas from Russia to Europe writes Martin McCauley of the University of London,

From the political point of view Russia and Turkey are poles apart, but from the economic point of view the gas deal and the atomic power plant that is going to be built – that has been on the cards for quite a long time.  Turkey would like the gas pipeline to go through their country because then they collect the rent from it. And also Turkey would like to pipe natural gas from Iran through Turkey to the West. That is blocked by sanctions at present. So Turkey sees itself as the in-between partner who will take gas from Iran and Russia to Europe.

Europeans are softening on sanctions toward Russia. Sanctions are hitting German companies particularly hard. Russia needs thier gas to bring a hundred dollars a barrell.  For whatever reason, Saudi Arabia is not cutting production to get the price up.  TURKEY AND RUSSIA

Turkey and Russia Dance

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