Charm Offensive in Globalization

The US deal with China asks a lot more of the US than it does of China.  Cina is only commited to reverse the growth of their admissions in 2030.   The Chinese now emit more than 7 tons of CO2 each year.  The Ameircans emit 16 tons.  Up until now, Americans appear to have been only interesed in reducing China’s oil consumption.

At the recent APEC summit in Beijing, America and China agreed to iberlize trade with deals on visa, security, and currecy as well as the environment.

China and Canada agreed to $2.5 billion in trade deals and currency exchange.

The Wrold Trade Organization dropped requirements for India on food security.

Russia, China and the Germans have worked hard to drop sanctions against Iran and enable Iran to enter the world market.

Th world has restarted, led by emerging natons.  It is multipolar, peaceful and open.  Even the West has a place.  Globalization Restart

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