Globalizing Again?

A study conducted by two members of the Stern Business School’s faculty shows that globalization is back.  Taking data from countries representing 99% of the world’s GDP and 95% of the world’s population, it is clear that after a big post-crisis drop in 2008, global interconnectedness returned last year.

There are more cross-border connections benig made.  Trade, incluidng goods and services, information, people and capital.

The ten countries that globalized the most in 2013 were all emerging nations, most of them in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Trade negotiators are beginning to form coalitions of the willing instead of waiting for everyone to join in.

There is plenty of scope for further globalization.  Only Singapore, Hong Kong and Lusembourg are deeply interconnected now.

Episodes of deglobalization in the past have been difficult to reverse, The fact that globalization is progressing again after such a deep crisis is hopeful.

Globalizing Again

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