Tough to Go it Alone in the Markets

Daniel Altman writes: Investing is international and here are six factors that now count:

1.  Cheap money doens’t respect national borders.  When Abe’s policy cause decine in the yen’s value it effects markets worldwife.

2.  Stocks and bonds no longer move in opposite directions.  One reason is that overall demand for dollar-based assets does not differentiate beween stocks and bonds.

3.  The stock market and the labor market are no longer in sync.

4.  Americans are looking to invest at home because the US markets have been strong. This was not so true prior to 2010.

5.  You can buy index funds or exchange traded funds for almost anything.

6.  The average non-instituional invesor is at a disadvantage because because investment and pension funds trade in larger quantities and faster.

Who Knows What Impacts the Dow?

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