Turkey’s Dream of an Ottoman Empire Turns into an Economic Nightmare

In 2010, Turkey made deals all ovre the Middle East.  But its support of Hamas and the current ISIS wars have left the country isolated.

Fifty-one agreements made with Syria have been shelved.  Turkey’s exports which reached 8 billion during the ‘fraternity’ era have been lost.  Exports through Syria to 16 other Middle East countries have stopped. Turkish cargo rtucks which used to make 105,000 to 700,000 runs now sit idle at the country’s border.  Border towns are swmaped with homeless, jobless, desitute Syrians.

In October Egypt canceled a Ro-Ro line, which provided an alternate to Syria.  Soured relations with Iraq caused cancellaion of Turkish Petroleum’s access to the oifields.

Turkey had envisaged a new Ottoman Empire.  It was a desert mirage.

No Ottoman Empire in the MIddle East

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