US Elections and Women’s Role

Post election polls in the US suggest that races which focused on the sex of the candidate did not help the candidate much.  This does not come as a surprise.  It is always the economy and economic matters that drive governance issues.  In the US, post ‘great recession’ issues linger.  Foremost among them are jobs and matching preparedness with available jobs.  Because training people for the workforce is in part the job of education, we will have to wait until the education system catches up with the job market to make better matches between available jobs and available workers.

To this end, Women and FInanace has proposed a 20-year infrastructure program, at the same time mending the country’s delapidated roads, bridges and educating the workforce for jobs in the new economy.

Women are more interested in families and children than men are.  We are focusing on women’s role in this new and important effort.

The recent election in the US shows that “it’s the economy,” is a battle cry for both sexes.  Women may hae a unique and potentially powerful approach to economic issues.

Women Advocates

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