Italian Prime Miister Renzi Faces Confidence Vote over Labor Reforms

Italian Primte Minister Renzi faces a confience vote over labor reforms.

Renzi called the vote in order to cut short debate over his broad proposal to change labor laws that many economists say have stifled job creation and scared off foreign investors in a country whose economy has stagnated for the past two decades.

“We want to eliminate the poison that kills investment,” Labor Minister Giuliano Poletti said in a speech to the Senate.

The government’s proposals are still very broad-brushed, however, and it remains to be seen how far Renzi’s proposed reform will go.

In particular, it is unclear how the government plans to change a measure that currently makes it very difficult for companies with more than 15 employees to fire workers with open-ended contracts. Also, based on official comments thus far, none of the changes are expected to apply to Italy’s bloated public sector.


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