LEGO Sells Out New Shapes for Real Girls

Harvard Business Review reports:  Why did it take until 2014 for the world’s second-largest toy maker to offer girls (and their toy-buying parents) products they might actually want? (After all, even Barbie has been an astronaut since 1965.)  Perhaps it has something to do with the profile of LEGO’s management team, comprised almost entirely of men. The three-person board of the privately-held company is all men, led by CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp. The 21-person corporate management team has 19 men and two women – both in internally-facing staff roles, not connected to the customer base or product development.* When your leadership isn’t gender-balanced, it’s tough to have a balanced customer base. The new ‘Research Institute’ range was proposed by geoscientist Ellen Kooijman on one of the company’s crowd-sourcing sites. But it begs the question, is there really no one inside the company who might have come up with the radical idea of having women scientists feature in a 21st century toy company’s line?   A Woman’s Image


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