Women Staying Away From Jobs in the Finance Sector

A new report by YouGuv prepared for Bank of American finds that only one in three women even consider working in the “male dominated”  financial world. 1000 girls aged 16-20

A “lack of information from teachers” (21 per cent) and a perceived “sexist culture” (19 per cent) came second and third. The survey was carried out by YouGov for Bank of America Merrill Lynch and North London Collegiate School.

Almost half believed work-life balance would be better in industries other than finance, compared with just 22 per cent who disagreed. This is despite efforts by financial institutions to provide a supportive working environment, including mentoring programmes aimed at women, workshops for those returning from maternity leave and various diversity and inclusion policies.
In 2013, girls’ schools dominated GCSE and A-level league tables but just 19 per cent of applications for financial services graduate jobs came from women. Employers are trying to increase the percentage by recruiting young women before they go to university.
The report urges the financial services sector and education establishments to work together to encourage more young women to consider a career in the field. Just three out of 10 young women said financial careers had been discussed with them at school.

Young Women in Banking

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