Italian High School Students Learn to Identify Corruption in Society

Students investigated crimes in their municipalities and were able to understand how the illegalities are addressed and experienced by ordinary citizens.  This “Laboratory of legality and corruption ” was not just a study, but also data collection and analysis that starts from their home towns. people they meet or with whom they will deal as they grow up.  The field study consisted of the questionnaires , and through qualitative analysis, and also conversations with the interviewees.
Throughout the initiative , students were tracked by experts.  Alberto Vannucci , a political scientist and professor at the University of Pisa, Mario Palazzi deputy public prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office of Rome and the colleague the Attorney Latin Daria Monsurrrò , the lawyer Guido Lombardi and the journalist of La Repubblica, Federica Angeli showed how corruption and bribery are presented by the press.

Five small Atlases of Corruption were prepared and will be distributed and stored as archive material.  This is because the students prepared such accurate and precise material.  These students know how to fight corruption, because they know how to amass the facts.  The corrupt few cannot thrive in a society where everyone understands what’s at stake.

 Bribery and Corruption

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