In Italy, Aid for Small Businesses in Tough Times

The association of micro Italian COMITAS in Salerno created the ” ATM Anti-Crisis ” to  provide assistance to small entrepreneurs and artisans in trouble.  Times are tough in Italy.  Now a day passes without an entrepreneur, crushed by the economic crisis, taking his life.  Over the past four years in Italy for economic causes suicides increased by 30%. This real emergency is addressed by providing useful tools tools to craftsmen and owners of small businesses.

Through the ” ATM Anti-crisis ” a staff of lawyers , accountants and experts give assistance to entrepreneurs in Salerno on several fronts : tax collection folders , with Treasury debt , late payments by the PA , banks, and usurious interest rates.  All situations where the business owners are harassed or when their rights are violated are now reported in a criminal court.

” Small business owners are left on their own – says the president of Comitas , Francis Drums.   With this ATM Anticrisi we not only offer practical help, but also a support community.


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