Pay Parity in Italy?

In the workplace, the equality between men and women still has not been  According to data collected by the European Commission , the pay gap by gender is marked.  Compared to men women work for free 59 days in a year at the same jobs.

Data from Brussels reveals that the gender pay gap and increased from 16.4% in 2012 to 17.3 % in 2012.

In this context Italian data are better than average , but showed a decrease compared to previous years . In our country , in fact, women’s wages were 6.7% lower compared to those of men.while in 2008 the pay gap stood at 4.9% .

As a result, Italy is one of the countries that have shown a reduction in the disparity in pay, but not for the right reasons.  The European Commission has in fact made ​​it clear that Europe has a greater presence of women in the labor market, so the reduction of the pay gap is due in large part to a decline in men’s wages as a result of the economic crisis .

Italy Coming Back


1 thought on “Pay Parity in Italy?

  1. As it has been for centuries,the”good ol’boy network”is alive and dominating the world’s financial agenda.Unless and until women have the same amount of input in the world of commerce as men; unequal parity will exist.

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