College Debt Greater than Credit Card Debt in US

Eizabeth  Warren’s bill to penetrate the dilemma of college debt did not survive debate in the US Senate.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will try to bring it up again.   The bottom line in Warren’s argument and President Obama’s is that the massive student debt held by Americans is slowly economic growth and is fundamentally unfair.

As to the economic issue, there is no question that recent graduates crippled by the burden of student debt, live at their parents’ home instead of renting or buying their own homes, do not buy cars, and keep their expenses to a minimum.  Freed from at least a portion of their debt, they would probably contribute to the nation’s growth by buying more.

It is also true that other groups are given advantages students are not.  Banks in TARP, subsidies to banks represented by Federal Deposit Insurance, and corporate tax advantages are among the obvious skews to that industry.

While real questions about who should go to a four year college and on to professional education, and who should be trained in two year colleges for available work remain, and are often too politically charged in America to even be debated, something is very wrong if college debt exceeds credit card debt in the US.

Student Loan Debt




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