Microcredit in Northern Italy

The economic crisis in Italy continues even in the prosperous north. In the province of Milan a project to stimulate new route out of poverty for families and individuals in need has been founded.

The town of Busto Garolfo, the Bcc Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate and parish Caritas have signed an agreement to create a new experimental project using microcredit. If the project is successful, it will be copied elsewhere.  Here is a concrete, local solution to economic problems.

The underlying philosophy is that of shared responsibility. Or rather, ” to aid each other ,” says the president of the Bcc Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate , Roberto Scazzosi . “As the local reality and reality as we have done credit cooperative of mutuality and to grow our core principles.  We write in our Charter of Values ​​”the goal of the Cooperative Credit is to produce utility and advantages, to create economic, social and cultural benefit of members and the local community and to build a foundation of trust.  We have taken the initiative.

The experimental project microcredit fits in collaboration initiated three years ago between the same three cities to create employment opportunities through community service.   Microcredit is a response to the needs characterized by uniqueness , simplicity and sustainability. That is, sudden and temporary needs that relate to basic needs – such as paying rent or utility bills, medical expenses – as long as there are conditions for a return of the loan. You want to stimulate the autonomy , responsibility, the ability of those who receive funding , putting him in a position to carry out the project to life.  In other words, let’s talk about education welfare, adds Don Ambrogio Colombo Busto Garolfo pastor and president of Caritas.  The post office network creates a driving force for growth. The concept of aid is a prerequisite for the growth of education and to ensure that those being helped today may one day help others.

Bcc di Busto Garolfo e Buguggiate



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