Exporting from the US

Did you know that nearly 96 percent of consumers live outside the United States? And two-thirds of the world’s purchasing power is in foreign countries. As the numbers show, the international marketplace is a big one. So if you’re interested in exploring the world of exporting – or have gotten started but could use some guidance – check out these resources to help.

Export Assistance Centers

Did you know that assistance centers across the United States exist to help small business owners and entrepreneurs exclusively with exporting topics?

United States Exporting Assistance Centers (USEACs) are staffed by professionals from the SBA, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Export-Import Bank and other public and private organizations. USEACs can help you understand the global marketplace and get you organized to join in and succeed. Some USEACs also have SBA representatives who are available to help you with your SBA export financing needs.

Export Business Planner

The Export Business Planner Download Adobe Reader to read this link content is a downloadable tool that you can save and customize as you explore your exporting options.

The Planner starts with an introduction to exporting and helps you determine your export readiness, then walks you through training and counseling information; marketing plan and financial materials; transportation and documentation details and more.

The Planner also provides practical worksheets, templates and forms, in addition to a glossary of industry terms and even more helpful resources.

Export.gov’s FAQ

Export.gov is an ideal export resource. And its frequently asked questions page is great to browse, as they’ve organized responses by categories. From exporting basics to trade agreements and regulations, this is a good place to start if you’re looking to learn more but aren’t quite sure where to start.

USTDA Consultant Database

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) maintains a database of companies and individuals who provide fee-based consulting services to small businesses interested in importing and exporting.

Almost all contracts with USTDA are reserved for small businesses, most of which are opportunities for technical experts qualified in the areas of energy and power; project finance; health; manufacturing; mining & natural resources; telecommunications and information technology; transportation; and water and the environment.

Your business may be small, but there’s a big opportunity in selling your product or service overseas. And this handful of resources can help put you on the path to international success.

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