WEF: Women Leaders and Gender Parity

Women Leaders and Gender Parity
Measuring and monitoring the gender gap
Generating Insights to Close the Gender Gap
Engaging Leaders to Close the Gender Gap
Promoting the Participation of Women Leaders

Capital is no longer the only decisive factor of production in today’s global economy: a business or an economy’s competitive advantage is increasingly determined by innovative ideas or immaterial services, and is less dependent on tangible assets. We are rapidly moving from capitalism to “talentism”. In such a world, gender parity can no longer be treated as superfluous.  Women make up a half of potential human capital available in any economy. The efficient use of this talent pool is a key driver of competitiveness.

The Women Leaders and Gender Parity Programme is committed to promoting women’s leadership and gender parity across the globe by using the following four approaches:
Women Leaders and Gender Parity

Women Leaders and Gender Parity

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